
If your reading this you will know that I am a bit of a miserable sod. But despite what I may write at any given time I am not a sexist, racist or any other “ist” or “phobe”. Except maybe arachnaphobe.

I am not religious at all, but I don’t mind if you are. You can believe in whatever you like, I won’t hold it against you, good, I’m sure that’s a relief to you.

I don’t really hate anyone (no finger crossing going on here) but anyone can and probably will piss me off for quite possibly the simplest reason. They breathe.

Last of all, I know I’m not perfect, I have plenty of flaws, but I am not about to let that stop me having a dig at you!

If for any reason you can’t handle any of the above, or would like to offer an opinion that differs to mine, please go ahead, but also go fuck yourself!

  1. Frankwell says:

    How do I subscribe to your blog? I think we have a lot in common when it comes to general rants and I look forward to your next one!


    • I see you got yourself following my blog. Nice work my friend. Prepare for at least a weekly dose of ranting. Fact is I rant best when I am away from home. Surely though Christmas is going to provide masses of material so you have a treat in store for you.

      I tried to look at your blog and unless I am being a complete and utter retard I haven’t found it because its empty. Get venting and let that bile spew out for the benefit of the world.
      Or at the very least for my entertainment.



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